Continuing to take strides to unify the art style of our game was of utmost importance this week. We met and discussed our shape language and how it affected both characters and environment aspects, and we continued to check in with our various team members multiple times throughout the week to discuss ways to maintain contact and try to keep all of our art on relatively the same plane.
Color was also very important this week. We determined color palettes for each environment and each character. These will be displayed alongside their respective character or environment later in this presentation, but we created an overall color palette to guide the aesthetic of our game.
Our environments use colors which are largely midtone in value, with some much more saturated and bright colors as accents. Characters are similar, though their desaturated base tones can have much deeper values (to make them stand out of environments). They also use very bright, very saturated colors as accents to draw the eye.
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