Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Week 4: Finalized Environment Designs

For environments this week, striving to unify style was the primary goal this week. We did a workshop on composition and value when it came to 2D art pieces, which I believe helped a lot in the composition of these.

For this last piece, we simulated the HUD of the game. The UI is extremely minimalist in our game: the reticle on the door represents both the player's health and their companions' cooldowns.

We also continued to use modular studies. These were very important less for color and value and more for the shape language—the environment artists consolidated these designs before they started their compositions so they could repeat them throughout the design process. This would allow them to already begin to think about how modular pieces might be used in the game engine to create the environments. It was also important to study how edges world work in the environment. Curves and angles were used much the same that they were used for the characters' designs. They also created a stylized look for these objects: they have borders or double lines for edges.

UPDATE: Based on teacher feedback, we were asked for more mockups to see how characters would exist in the environment. We worked together to try to show a 2D representation of how we hope it will look in engine. We also added some written characteristics, having decided what sort of language we're going to use for the world itself.

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